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[mk_fancy_title size=”15″ line_height=”20″ color=”#ffffff” font_weight=”normal” font_family=”none” margin_bottom=”0″ align=”center” animation=”bottom-to-top”]We are an amateur dramatics group in Rossett, Wrexham, we produce and perform plays in Spring and Autumn. We’re always looking for a new audience and new members to both perform or help backstage. If this sounds like you, click the arrow below to find out more.[/mk_fancy_title]
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[mk_padding_divider size=”120″][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h1″ size=”28″ color=”#ffffff” font_family=”none”]Welcome to Darland Community Theatre[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_text color=”#ffffff” highlight_color=”#000000″ highlight_opacity=”0″ size=”16″ line_height=”24″ margin_bottom=”0″ font_family=”none”]Darland Community Theatrical Society (to give us our full title) has been in existence for over 30 years. We were set up initially as an extra curricular link between the teachers at Darland School and the local community however those teachers have all moved on! And our group membership has expanded to a much wider area thankfully – all are welcome from Chester, Wrexham and Mold. We’re still based at Darland School and our performances are given in the school hall which has a great stage with excellent lighting and sound equipment. The hall is also our meeting and rehearsal space and we are very grateful to the school for the use of these facilities.[/mk_fancy_text][mk_divider style=”dotted” divider_color=”#dd3333″][mk_fancy_text color=”#ffffff” highlight_color=”#000000″ highlight_opacity=”0″ size=”16″ line_height=”24″ margin_bottom=”18″ font_family=”none”]So who are Darland Community Drama? We are a bunch of keen, enthusiastic amateurs from all walks of life who get together to put on two productions a year over 3 nights each. We work with the Darland school calendar and usually perform in late March/early April and again in October/November. We are no longer all from Rossett and have members from the outskirts of Chester in one direction and the far side of Wrexham in the other.[/mk_fancy_text]
[mk_padding_divider size=”120″][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h2″ size=”24″ color=”#ffffff” font_family=”none”]Get in touch[/mk_fancy_title][mk_contact_form skin=”light”]
Darland Community Theatre