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Mr Misty Mystery by Martin Clare

Directed by Colin Jones
November 2018


Abby and Jess are approaching their 30’s and feeling disillusioned with life. When an opportunity presents itself they make a bold decision that will change their lives forever. Enlisting the help of their friends, Suzie and Eva, they put the wheels in motion but could disagreements within the group and enquiries by the local police mean success isn’t guaranteed!

The Cast

Abby Jenkins Rea Hughes
Jess Richards Jess Healy
Suzie Green Sally Jones
Eva Fitzpatrick Bethan Bonds
Chief Constable Hogarth Meg Bayliss
Det Insp Tomlinson Keith Chaloner
Constable Simmons John Kinsey

The Crew

LIGHT AND SOUND Gem Ketteringham
PROMPT Lynne Deakin
WEB ADMIN/TICKETS Jan Ketteringham

Death’s Desire by Robert Scott

Directed by Carol Crump
April 2018


Lauren’s latest therapy client was both challenging and a little scary.  Confessing to multiple marriages under false pretences, then murder, things only got worse when he revealed how much he knew about Lauren’s fiance…

The Cast

THE MAN (John, Niall, William) John Kinsey
LAUREN Gem Ketteringham
PHIL Colin Jones
DAWN Lynne Deakin
LIZZIE Mandy Seeley
ISOBEL Bethan Bonds
ANITA Rea Hughes

The Crew

Anne Sherlock
LIGHT AND SOUND Keith Chaloner / Jess Sadler
PROMPT Eileen Evans
TICKETS/WEB ADMIN Jan Ketteringham

Tears and Laughter

A performance in two halves, directed by Eileen Evans
November 2017


First Half

The Act of Living  by Robert Scott
A touching play on love, life and loss over the decades.

Second Half
After the interval, these light-hearted short sketches and monologues.

Is that You Clint?  by Geoff Parker
Around the fridge in 80 calories  by Cheryl Barrett
I’d quite like to try lacrosse  by Janice Sampson
Tom Tom  by John Peel
Skinny Cap to Go by Richard James
Dieter’s lament  by Cheryl Barrett

The Cast – Act of Living

TOM Colin Jones
EVELYN Rea Hughes

The Cast of the second half

 Sally Jones
Around the fridge
 Carol Crump
 Mandy Seeley
Tom Tom
 Keith Chaloner and Sally Jones
Skinny Cap
 Sally Jones and John Kinsey
Dieter’s Lament
 Carol Crump
Darland Community Theatre